
How Upskilling is Transforming Global Capability Centres


How Upskilling is Transforming Global Capability Centres

Global Capability Centers are evolving into hubs of innovation and expertise through strategic upskilling, driving business growth and technological advancements. To learn more about how upskilling is transforming these centers into indispensable powerhouses, read more.
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Global Capability Centers (GCCs) have evolved from mere back-office operations to hubs of specialized expertise, contributing significantly to the productivity of multinational corporations (MNCs). These centers leverage talent and resources from around the world, driving efficiency and cost-effectiveness in core business functions such as IT services, finance, customer support, and research and development

With a notable growth spurt, adding over 150,000 employees in 2023, particularly in India, GCCs are not only transforming into centers of excellence for gcc companies but also playing a crucial role in the economic landscape by contributing to 1% of India's GDP. Their evolution into value-added, business-critical operations exemplifies how upskilling within these global capability centers is pivotal for the future.

The Role of GCCs in Today's Business Landscape

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) have become pivotal in today's business ecosystem, reflecting a significant transformation from their traditional roles. Their evolution is characterized by:

  • Brand and Communication Strategy: Establishing a robust brand identity and communication strategy is essential for GCCs to attract talent, build credibility, and drive collaboration. This involves defining their unique value proposition and ensuring internal and external branding aligns with their mission.
  • Innovation and Technology Leadership: The shift towards technology and innovation-led initiatives marks a departure from mere back-office tasks. GCCs are now at the forefront of adopting technologies like advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), thereby enhancing their role in pushing the frontiers of technology.
  • Collaboration and Agility: The importance of agility and collaboration has never been more pronounced. GCCs are focusing on building partnerships with startups, industry bodies, and educational institutions to foster a business-deployable pool of resources. Their agility allows for the rapid adaptation to business priorities, ensuring control, confidentiality, and speed-to-market with digital technologies.

These elements underscore the integral role GCCs play in driving technological advancements and innovation, positioning them as critical players in the global business landscape.

Upskilling: The Key to Unlocking GCC Potential

The transformative potential of upskilling within Global Capability Centers (GCCs) hinges on strategic approaches and innovative learning methodologies. A focused investment in upskilling initiatives can significantly enhance the capabilities of GCCs, aligning them with evolving business needs and technological advancements.

  1. Strategic Approaches to Upskilling: Effective strategies ensure workforce development aligns with business goals.some text
    • Cohort-Based Learning: Facilitates collaborative learning, leveraging group dynamics to enhance skill acquisition
    • Personalized Learning Paths: Utilizing Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) for tailored learning experiences, accommodating different learning styles, and enabling employees to choose their development path.
    • Integration into Daily Work: Embedding learning opportunities into everyday tasks to promote continuous skill development.
  2. Innovative Learning Methodologies: Modern methods make learning engaging and effective.some text
    • eLearning and Microlearning: Offers flexible and engaging formats for skill development, with microlearning modules providing bite-sized, focused content.
    • Mentorship Programs: Connecting employees with industry experts or senior managers for guided skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Use of Case Studies: Improving analytical and problem-solving skills through real-world scenarios.
  1. Technological Infusion for Enhanced Learning: Leveraging advanced technology to revolutionize learning experiences.some text
    • Digital Upskilling: Teaching advanced digital skills for high-demand positions, is crucial in today's technology-driven world.
    • VR, AR, and Gamification: Incorporating virtual and augmented reality with gamified elements to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.

By prioritizing these strategies and methodologies, GCCs can effectively address the upskilling needs of their workforce, ensuring readiness for future challenges and opportunities.

Strategies for Effective Upskilling within GCCs

To effectively navigate the upskilling landscape within Global Capability Centers (GCCs), a multifaceted approach is essential. Here are six strategic pillars that can guide GCCs in fostering a culture of continuous learning and development:

  1. View Skilling as a Business Investment: Recognize upskilling as a critical investment rather than a mere expense to drive business growth and innovation.
  2. Serve "Salads" for Healthy Skilling: Blend a variety of skills in specific contexts to create a more adaptable and versatile workforce.
  3. Revitalize Learning: Reimagine the learning process by exploring new methodologies, timings, and environments to bring the joy back to learning.

Additionally, leveraging technology and data can significantly enhance the upskilling journey:

  • Leverage AI for Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize artificial intelligence tools to inform and guide every step of the learning journey, making it more efficient and tailored to individual needs.
  • Construct Your Skilling Stack: Assemble a comprehensive set of learning tools and resources, either by creating in-house solutions or forming partnerships, to meet diverse learning needs.
  • Empower Employee-Led Learning: Encourage employees to take charge of their learning and career development, providing them with the tools and opportunities to pursue reskilling initiatives.

By embracing these strategies, GCCs can not only enhance their workforce capabilities but also build a resilient and future-ready organization.


Through the discussion outlined in this article, it has become evident that Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are pivoting towards a future where upskilling not only defines their operational success but also shapes their role in the global economic narrative. The transformation of GCCs from operational backbones to innovation and technological frontrunners signifies a strategic shift, underscoring the criticality of upskilling in navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape. This change is not just about enhancing the skill set of individual employees but is also about redefining GCCs' contributions to the global market, making them indispensable centers of excellence.

The progression towards a more skilled and adaptable workforce within GCCs, as detailed through strategic approaches and innovative learning methodologies, highlights a roadmap towards achieving excellence and driving business growth. By integrating these upskilling strategies, GCCs are not just preparing their workforce for the future but are also setting a benchmark for excellence in the industry. This concerted effort towards upskilling is likely to propel GCCs into new heights of innovation and operational efficiency, thereby ensuring their continued significance and resilience in the face of evolving market demands and technological advancements.