Find Your Best-Fit Talent with MatchPrism

End the guessing game of manual screening by automatically ranking the best-fit candidates for your job openings.

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35% more qualified applicants

green arrow pointing up

25% faster time to hire

Accelerate hiring by automatically matching top talent to open roles with MatchPrism.

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AI Powered Matching for
Unstructured Data

Intelligent comparison of unstructured resumes and job descriptions
  • Upload resume databases and job descriptions from your ATS
  • GDPR compliant handling of candidate data
  • Configurable matching based on different weightages for different parameters

30+ Data Points for Precision Matching

Skills, experience, education, certifications and more for optimal matching
  • Skills matched with recency and experience levels
  • Education, industry experience, certifications
  • Role adjacency matching goes beyond job titles

Ranked Profiles with Match Evidence

Review ranked talent with overview, work history and match score details
  • Distil unstructured resumes into sections which can compare multiple candidates in one go
  • See overview of candidate work history
  • Review match score details
  • View evidence for skills, education, role fits

Tailor Matching to Your Needs

Custom weighting for skills and factors per role needs. Adjust over time
  • Assign custom weights to match factors
  • Match to mandatory and optional JD skills
  • Adjust matching as roles evolve

Build a digital first, agile talent supply chain to accelerate profitable growth


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