Build accurate, dynamic talent snapshot and reskill with SkillPrism

Automate talent profiling through best-in-class skill taxonomy & integrations, drive talent engagement via skill-centric social network, empower talent by identifying skillsets aligned to aspiration.

green arrow pointing up

30% higher digital readiness

green arrow pointing up

20% more employee engagement

End-to-end skill management, with SkillPrism

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Structured skill taxonomy

Live configurable consistent skill graphs
  • Best in class intelligent design of skill taxonomy
  • Adjacent skill graphs to identify skill gaps
  • Flexible design of skill graphs to adjust to market needs
  • Notifications for new & upcoming skills

Automated skill & proficiencies

Create automated skill profiles of your talent
  • Capture profile insights from multiple internal systems and sites
  • Seamless review and update mechanism
  • Auto-updation of profiles through learning algorithms
  • Extend functionality to vendors

AI-driven skill social network

Empower employees with a thriving skill social network
  • Gamify and nudge talent towards digital goals
  • Skill based communities
  • Mentor and expert networks
  • 360 degree profile view for collaborators

Specializations & career paths

Guide employees through a lifelong learning mission
  • Tailored career paths for different personas
  • Specializations to suit markets, individual aspiration, company goals
  • Recommend courses, work archetypes
  • Ready integrations with talent and other core systems

Actionable decisions with InsightPrism

Impactful tailored decision support systems
  • Top down view focused on critical business decisions and actions
  • Role based configurable drill downs tailored to organisation needs
  • AI driven pattern recognition and recommendations
  • Intuitive designs for system driven reviews

Build a digital first, agile talent supply chain to accelerate profitable growth


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